The Big Picture with Lach Nankervis

Lach Nankervis shares his thoughts on how teamwork and a global perspective results in innovative solutions for customers.


Tell us about your role at Bunzl.

I currently lead the hospitality and retail sectors across Bunzl ANZ. Our fantastic team works towards developing and implementing our strategy across diverse market sectors, supporting customers through innovation and specialisation.

How has your experience benefitted your role?

While studying and travelling, I worked in various hospitality roles, giving me a strong work ethic and grounding to be able to take on new challenges. This has given me a great understanding of how our customers’ operations work and allowed me to think differently about how we can push the boundaries to support new ideas and innovation.

What’s the most interesting thing about your job?

My role sees me work with many extremely talented people. I really enjoy working in partnership to launch new projects and I love seeing the positive end results.

Tell us about a career challenge.

The past two years have been very challenging for our hospitality and retail customers, with border closures, capacity limits and even venue closures in some cases. I’m extremely proud of the work my team has delivered to help customers navigate their way through COVID, and how we have been able to provide solutions to keep customers’ operations running and their staff and customers safe.

What about a highlight?

I’ve really enjoyed the “big picture focus” that exists across Bunzl. As a member of the Bunzl Global Hotel Platform, I’ve welcomed the opportunities to engage with colleagues globally to share ideas and build on broader hospitality opportunities. Seeing how different businesses operate has created great networks for me, as well as opportunities to take on new challenges and share new ideas with key customers.