The child of London-based expat parents, Jeremy Goodman was a seasoned traveller by age nine. Back home in Australia, his mother ran a restaurant and taught cordon bleu cooking. It was an upbringing that saw Goodman develop a passion for travel and hospitality that has informed his career ever since.

While studying aviation management at university (“the flying and maths aspects were boring, but I loved the business side of airlines”) he worked in a call centre for Accor. “For three years I spoke to guests every day, understanding who they were and how to identify their needs,” Goodman explains. “The importance of the customer is a lesson I carry to this day, and I enjoy it because I’m such a people person. My wife says I like to be the centre of attention! But I’d say I just like to engage with people and find ways to help them have a great time.”

Working as the Procurement Manager for Quest Apartments would offer similarly valuable lessons. “It taught me the value of money, resources and cashflow, the importance of brand, and how franchisees will sacrifice everything for a dream. The challenge was to be respectful of their passion while still driving scale, controlling the brand and offering a product that the guests wanted.”

After further mastering the art of what he describes as a “multi-faceted mindset” as Group Procurement Manager at Ardent Leisure, a new opportunity appeared quite literally on Goodman’s horizon. “I was on the ferry from Rose Bay on the day of the Five Ship Spectacular in Sydney Harbour and seeing those incredible ships reminded me that I’d seen a position advertised at Carnival. I started applying right then and there and started as Director of Supply Chain in 2016.”

Eight years later, Goodman still gets a thrill seeing passengers board the ships. “My favourite thing is seeing people just wowed as they come on board. And they are always such a mixed group – people celebrating a milestone, connecting with loved ones, having their first-ever holiday, or people that travel every couple of months. The impact supply chain has on their experience is always front of mind and whenever we consider a change – either by choice or by way of market conditions – I always play it out from the passenger’s perspective.”

“The importance of the customer is a lesson I carry to this day, and I enjoy it because I’m such a people person.”

Jeremy Goodman, Director of Supply Chain for Carnival Australia

Running a close second to his devotion to ensuring an unforgettable experience is Goodman’s commitment to creating opportunities in the supply chain that have a positive impact on people’s lives. “A whole team of people sit behind what ends up on board,” he explains. “The farmer, the picker, the packer, the truck driver – and we can support that depth by facilitating opportunities for local businesses.” That could include the boutique New Zealand craft brewer Good George whose beers feature on the drinks menu or integrating local Fijian suppliers who’ve pitched their products at a recent Cruise Symposium “shark tank”. “I’m very proud of the ecosystem of suppliers and supply solutions that we’ve built up.”

And as for the future? “I’m excited to see what the next evolution is, especially when it comes to expanding into new markets and creating more amazing holidays for people. Cruise is such a dynamic industry – there is never a dull moment.”