Home Healthcare Using a mask for infection control

Using a mask for infection control

Protection for yourself and others.

As a company, Bunzl reviews the appropriate government guidelines and standards when preparing for any environment changes within Australia and New Zealand. As part of organisational governance effective risk management and practices are demonstrated and HR continue to monitor and update the team.

Part of the process for staff includes the use of masks to manage infection control with COVID-19.

Standard precautions, such as good hygiene is essential at all times including hand hygiene, cough etiquette and respiratory hygiene. Cough into a tissue (and discard the tissue immediately) or into the bend of the elbow and perform hand hygiene.

Store masks in the box until use.

Use a zip lock bag to hold 3 masks for the day.

If you have sensitive skin use a moisturiser on your face prior to applying a mask, allowing time for the moisturiser to be absorbed into the skin.

When applying the mask before leaving your home wash hands for 20 seconds with soap and water – Sing “Happy Birthday” twice.

You can also use a sanitiser instead of washing your hands. Ensure sanitiser contains over 60% alcohol for effective bacterial kill and no or limited fragrance.

Dry your hands well.

Apply your mask.

If the mask has ear loops, then hold the mask by both ear loops and place one loop over each ear. Hold the top of the mask on your nose with your fingers from one hand, pull the bottom of the mask over your mouth and chin while still holding the top.

Ensure a comfortable and snug fit.

Don’t touch the mask now it is in position.

If the mask becomes damp or soiled replace with a new one.

Do not leave mask dangling around your neck or on the top of your head.

Remove if you are eating and reapply a new mask when finished.

Removing a mask:
• Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water or use alcohol-based hand sanitiser containing at least 60% alcohol.
• Carefully remove your mask by grasping the ear loops or untying the ties. For masks with a pair of ties, unfasten the bottom one first, then the top one.
• Remove the mask and put it directly into a disposable bag.
• Cleanse your hands again.

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