Home Facilities Management Cleaning The Benefits of Buying in Bulk

The Benefits of Buying in Bulk

Cleaning lady with a bucket and cleaning products on blurred background .

Cleaning chemicals are a large and important part of our lives in a post-COVID world. But on top of being sure that your products are working effectively, you can also find benefits for your business in upping the size of the cleaning chemicals you’re purchasing as well.

According to the International Journal of Clinical Practice, the amount of cleaning and cleaning chemicals being used has increased by over 60% since 2019. Not only is that a significant up-tick in cleaning, but also in total product-being-used.

Buying cleaning chemicals like floor cleaner, disinfectants or even dishwashing liquids in large volumes can save a business money in the long run as it’s more cost-effective. Plus, it also has the benefit of balancing cost and time advantages by not having to restock product quite as frequently.

And not only are there monetary savings, but buying larger volume containers also has the benefit of cutting down on total packaging being used – after all, a large 20-litre bottle of cleaning chemicals means less plastic then several smaller bottles for the same amount of chemicals.

Kwikmaster Professional’s range of cleaning chemicals are made to meet industry standards and hard-wearing commercial environments.

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