Home Facilities Management Superior Microfibre

Superior Microfibre

Designed to create a cleaner and safer environment while enhancing worker productivity, the HYGEN™ Disposable Microfibre System is scientifically engineered for optimal performance. Our disposable microfibre cloths and mop pads undergo rigorous third-party testing for microbial removal, and have been proven to eliminate 99.99% of all common tested viruses with water alone.

HYGEN™ Disposable Microfibre Cloths feature:
• Built-in scrubbing power
• Streak-free cleaning for mirrors, glass, and stainless steel
• Effectively remove dirt without smearing
• Are compatible with bleach and quat

Ideal for dusting and wet cleaning, the HYGEN™ Disposable Microfibre Cloth Charging Tub effectively moistens 40 cloths simultaneously while ensuring correct saturation levels.

HYGEN™ Disposable Microfibre mops are best used in high-risk or high- touch areas, or if laundering is not available. Efficient disinfection without compromise is guaranteed, eliminating quat binding concerns.

To further minimise cross-contamination risks, the colour-coded system designates specific colours for different areas or tasks, enhancing hygiene protocols. Colour coding options for designated areas play a crucial role in preventing virus spread and reducing cross contamination, underscoring our commitment to maintaining a consistently hygienic environment.

Additionally, the patented zig-zag design provides added scrubbing power. The superior cleaning performance ensures new mop pads provide up to 2x more coverage.

Choose HYGEN™ Disposable Microfibre System for a future where cleanliness in a priority, setting new standards in hygiene and leaving germs behind.

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