Why is it that no matter the shape and size of a commercial kitchen, or the scale of the operation, it still seems like space is always at a premium? It’s why every piece of kitchen equipment needs to fit perfectly in the floor space available and add its own value. But in this equation of what goes where, free-standing equipment can often get overlooked.

In many cases, smaller appliances can offer as much value as larger ones while using a fraction of the space. Whether it’s a bain-marie, electric fryer or a hot plate, free-standing appliances are flexible, efficient and highly productive – and no three factors are more vital in a commercial kitchen.

For a start, you can choose countertop hardware that will fit into your existing set-up. No need to rearrange the kitchen or refurbish areas to accommodate, the equipment can be positioned wherever is most convenient for use and most suitable to conserve space. And because they enhance flexibility and speed in the kitchen, you can also see greater productivity with countertop equipment too. This means you’ll save on labour, and in turn save on labour costs. A win-win.

Free-standing equipment will also generally prove more energy efficient than larger items, reducing your electricity bills – something every business would welcome right now. And when that equipment is manufactured in Australia, you’ll have ready access to a significant bank of spare parts that’ll allow you to easily service and maintain the equipment for years to come. If you’re after Australian Made free-standing appliances, Roband and Ausheat branded products are made within Australia.

From fryers, pie warmers and bain-maries to grills, hot plates and more, investing in the right high-quality free-standing equipment for your business can offer all of these benefits.

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