Home Healthcare Breaking Down Ready-To-Use (RTU) Cleaning Chemicals

Breaking Down Ready-To-Use (RTU) Cleaning Chemicals

Across any large facility, the cleaning chemicals used as part of the cleaning process play a vital role in maintaining a clean and hygienic environment. [1] With the start of the new financial year quickly approaching, it’s time to take stock of your cleaning chemicals and streamline your cleaning process by incorporating Ready-To-Use (RTU) chemicals and cleaning products. But, how do you know which ones will be best for your business?

What are RTU (Ready-To-Use) cleaning chemicals?

RTU cleaning chemicals describe cleaning products that are sold in an already correctly diluted form. This means that after purchasing an RTU cleaning chemical, the product can be safely applied to the appropriate surfaces and used immediately as is. Often RTU cleaning products come in easily portable sized bottles for ease of use and convenience for professional cleaners in large facilities.  

What are the benefits of RTU cleaning chemicals?

Beyond allowing immediacy of cleaning to professional cleaners, RTU cleaning chemicals provide a host of advantages and benefits when added to the cleaning process, including:

  • Consistent Cleaning

The first big advantage for the use of RTU cleaning chemicals is ensured consistency. Frequent checks in manufacturing processes ensure that RTU cleaning products always have the exact same formulation which means that they are an effective way to guarantee that the proper dilution to clean and disinfect is being used. This is a key part of infection prevention because using more chemical than necessary on certain surfaces can oftentimes leave behind residues and limit the effectiveness of the cleaning chemical. This excess chemical can also create a film and cause a dull or sticky surface.

  • Cost Effectiveness

As mentioned previously, RTU cleaning chemicals guarantee that the appropriate amount of dilution is always used. That means there can be significant cost savings when RTU chemicals are introduced as they eliminate the chance of over-pouring chemical concentrate and cut-back on purchasing costs that may occur due to over-use.

  • Balances Efficacy and Surface Compatibility

One of the big challenges related to disinfectant chemical products is achieving an appropriate balance between efficacy and surface compatibility. Chemical effectiveness is critical to reducing the risk of infection and spread of bacteria, but appropriate care must be taken to protect surfaces and equipment from damage as well. RTU cleaning chemicals ensures the perfect balance between efficacy and surface compatibility.

  • Ease of Use & Portability

A major benefit of RTU cleaning chemicals is the ease of use of their product packaging. It takes less time to clean with an RTU cleaning chemical because it eliminates the need to pause and dilute formula. They come in portable bottles that are easy to carry around and store and typically fitted with sprayers or flip top caps to make use when cleaning even easier.

RTU cleaning chemicals are an effective and time-saving product when incorporated into the cleaning process. They’re an economical and easy-to-use tool for deodorizing, polishing and degreasing that makes the cleaning process easier and more efficient. RTU cleaning chemicals are a safe innovative cleaning solution that can be used across several industries and businesses.

[1] https://www.hfmmagazine.com/articles/3025-cleaning-and-disinfection-chemicals-for-health-care

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