Trent Howie, Bunzl’s National BDM of Food Service Design & Project Management

When it comes to commercial kitchens, Bunzl’s Commercial Kitchen Project’s team has led cutting-edge interior design, refurbishment and remodelling projects for all types of venues across Australia and New Zealand.

When it comes to adaptability, what do you advise clients to think about when planning a kitchen fit-out?
When designing any kitchen, it’s important to spend a bit of time thinking about what any future changes might look like. For example, if you think you might need a large combi oven to cater for busier functions then it might be worth extending the canopy at the building stage so that it can accommodate another combi oven. Modifying canopies after they have been installed can be expensive and in some cases, not an option at all, which is why future-thinking considerations are essential to creating the ideal space for you.

Food safety standards and regulations are essential to any kitchen. How do you deal with making sure a client’s vision is still met while being compliant with regulations?
Our Commercial Kitchen Project’s team is very experienced and will ensure every design meets all the required health and safety standards. We design against the Australian Standards, but there are many hospitality workflow design imperatives that the Australian Standards (and most architects) may not consider – which is where our expertise comes into play. We are hospitality experts, so we will always consider all aspects of workflow.

What should clients consider when deciding on the size of their cool room and freezer room?
This is a tricky one and dependent on the needs of your business. When consulting a client, we always ask the following questions to make sure that all considerations can be met:

  • How big is the menu and what type of food are you serving?
  • What is the regularity of deliveries? (For example, a remote area might only get one delivery per week. They will need a coolroom considerably bigger than a city venue that can get six-day-a-week deliveries.)
  • How many service areas does it need to cater for? (Can we install a smaller coolroom, or large upright refrigerators, in another area?).

Using a practical understanding of a client’s vision, combined with expert knowledge about commercial kitchen equipment and practical sustainable solutions, the Commercial Kitchen Project’s team work closely with clients to deliver the ideal fit-out for any space and business needs. Contact your Bunzl representative for more information about the Commercial Kitchen Project.