If you’re a chef, you’ll know that feeling only too well: the orders have begun rolling in and the pressure’s on. You need to deliver high-quality dishes to dozens of hungry diners, and quickly. Add the heat of the ovens and burners and the cramped space of the kitchen into the mix and it’s a recipe for plenty of stress, and not much else.

All of that makes speed, efficiency and uniformity the watchwords of any commercial kitchen, no matter whether you only have a handful of covers or you need to serve a whole hotel, hospital or aged care facility day after day.
While many chefs thrive on the adrenaline, for most kitchen workers there’s no doubt it can be a struggle. But the truth is, it doesn’t need to be this way. Much of the burden can be alleviated with the right tools, which can help you produce consistent, well-prepared dishes, and in less time, too.
Two recently introduced pieces of kitchen equipment from Moffat fit the bill perfectly.
The first is the new family of Convotherm Maxx combi ovens, which blend German-engineered efficiency with outstanding versatility. Available with a large loading capacity of either six or 10 shelves, these ovens offer all you need to cook food precisely and consistently – and keep it warm and fresh once it’s ready.
A touchscreen display offers a choice of manual or automatic modes, and the glass window onto the cooking chamber will give you a good overview of what’s cooking and, most importantly, peace of mind.
The second essential piece of equipment from Moffat is the Waldorf Jump, a universal workhorse that allows chefs to cook, boil, grill, fry and sous-vide – and even slow-cook overnight.
This energy-efficient unit has a large touchscreen display and is available in 12 different models, from single- to twin-pan options and 58- to 200-litre capacities, making it ideal for kitchens of any size and shape – and for chefs of all stress levels, too.