Danny Russo is a multi-award-winning chef who heads The Russolini Group, a boutique food service consultancy committed to providing clients with tailored food service projects. Russo first started out by overhauling Australian pubs and clubs a decade ago. He served upmarket fare in more casual surroundings and the strategy was shown to have staying power. Russo’s perceptive take on dining trends and influences, combined with classical training and extensive experience in Europe, allowed him to consistently capture the imagination and approval of his patrons.

Specializing in modern Italian cuisine, Russo reworks classic, familiar recipes to create a combination of traditional flavours with a modern twist. Of his favourite dish to make, Russo explains, “I love using green tomatoes, whether it’s with Kingfish, salad, pickling or in a dessert. The flavour components make them so versatile.” And much like the head chef himself, The Russolini group dedicates itself to piecing together a bespoke experience that has been carefully tailored to suit a specific brief. Every Russolini Group project carries Russo’s personal touch and is informed by a firm belief that good quality food is essential.
The past year has required Russo to take note of changes in customer behavior and shift the way he and The Russolini Group do business. “Pre-COVID, I was travelling a lot between interstate & overseas then like the rest of the world, everything came to a sudden halt,” Russo explains. When reflecting on the major changes in his career since 2019, he remarks that “this past year has definitely showed me that we live in a very fortunate place.”
All around the globe, the Hospitality industry was struck hard by the pandemic. But as the world begins to re-open its doors, Russo is excited to see a better focus on safety and hygiene, innovation in at-home food delivery, and restaurants moving towards more sustainable business practices.
“We’re waiting for the green light as to when I can go to Chicago to open-up a couple of restaurants that The Russolini Group has been working on for a while now,” Russo says of upcoming projects. “Stay tuned, it’s very exciting.”
Follow Russo and The Russolini Group’s upcoming projects via their social media channel @therussolinigroup.