Home Hospitality Cups Without Compromise

Cups Without Compromise

Introducing Detpak’s new range of PLA lined certified compostable hot cups from Eco-Products®. The ‘Grasp the Moment’ series consists of distinctive retro designs with strong environmental messaging and the Greenstripe design, available in both white and brown. New to the range this month are our sugarcane hot cup lids, featuring a smooth mouthfeel and attractive profile.

Made from renewable resources, these cups have been designed with the environment in mind. A report released by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and the World Economic Forum estimated that by 2050 there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish. The impacts of this are significant. Our marine life is affected by this pollution, our coral is calcifying, our oceans are becoming more acidic and water toxicity levels are rising.

But, a sweeping change is occurring around the world in the way we use plastic packaging. Jurisdictions and brands across the globe have committed to moving away from single-use problematic plastics (SUPP’s). Action has been identified to move to reusable, recyclable or compostable products. Detpak’s Sustainability Team is at the forefront of rapidly changing SUPP’s legislation and the packaging solutions you require to stay on top of these changes. See blog post SUPP’s in a Snapshot for further information.

The Eco-Products® from Detpak range of hot cups come in multiple sizes from 4oz through to 16oz in single and double wall options, meaning there’s a size and design to suit any takeaway and food delivery requirement. Due later this year are 2 new sizes; a 6oz and 12oz tall hot cup in both Grasp the Moment and Greenstripe designs.

The ‘Grasp the Moment’ designs are randomly mixed within the carton and colours cannot be ordered separately. The sleek design of the Greenstripe offers prime real estate for customers to promote their brand, through stamping logos or adding stickers to the cups. All Eco-Products® hot cups are currently certified commercially compostable to EN 13432 certifications.

The new sugarcane lids come in 2 sizes; 80mm and 89mm diameter and our full suite of cups are designed so that these 2 lids fit all hot cup sizes, except for the 4oz. Manufactured from sugarcane, a renewable resource, these hot cup lids are a great solution to ensure compliance with all SUPP’s legislation nationally.

Now is the time to seize opportunity and join a revolution by choosing sustainable food packaging options. And your choice can have a powerful ripple effect. Choosing our Grasp the Moment or Greenstripe range is about taking action for impacts yet to come, and understanding that the future is in your hands.

Join us, Grasp the Moment and make one BIG small change.

Download the Detpak Eco-Products Flyer HERE.

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