Home Processor & Industry Hygiene beyond the food zone

Hygiene beyond the food zone

In food processing high-level hygiene needs to be everywhere

COVID-safe guidelines for food manufacturing and industry vary from state to state. But one thing is consistent, the need for hygiene when dealing with food is paramount.

Most businesses are on to it and are meticulous in their processes. But there are areas in a production facility that can easily be overlooked.

Don’t blow your hygiene achievements

For instance, have you installed Jet air dryers in your washrooms? You may be surprised to learn that Jet air dryers can spread ten times more germs1 and drying your hands with a jet air dryer produces more airborne droplets2. Research has also found that 43 percent of people feel unsafe entering a public washroom with air dryers.2

The simple action of wiping washed hands on a paper towel to dry them actually aids the removal of micro-organisms and ensures germs are then thrown away so they are perfect for food production facilities. It’s the thorough drying of hands that substantially reduces bacteria and micro-organisms. Up to 72 percent of people surveyed said they wished more facilities offered paper towels instead of air-dryers and 36 percent have an increased preference for paper towels since COVID-193.

Tork Professional Hygiene have a large range of paper towels and dispensers to suit different washroom sizes and traffic, including high capacity dispensers that reduce the risk of run-out in larger facilities.

Hygiene critical kitchens

Laboratories and QA kitchens are all about precision, but sometimes hygiene can be less considered here. Tork Long-Lasting Cleaning Cloths are perfectly suited to these environments. They’re highly absorbent and durable plus they’re low-linting and perfect for repeated use without tearing. They are also silicone free to ensure there are no residues and of course, certified HACCP Food Zone Primary (FZP).

The dreaded tea towel is another place where germs can hide and are too frequently overused and overlooked in a hygiene audit. Disposable Tork Heavy-Duty Cleaning Cloths are the perfect alternative to unhygienic tea towels, as they reduce the risk of cross contamination. They have excellent absorbency and strength when wet and they are food contact safe with HACCP FZP certification. Plus when they become soiled, they are thrown away.

As the number one professional hygiene in the world, the experts at Tork can help your business secure the new normal in hygiene with the implementation of quality hygiene and surface cleaning solutions.

1 Best et al, J Hosp Infection, 2014
2 Margas E. et al, J Applied Microbiol, 2013
3 Survey conducted by United Minds in cooperation with CINT in April 2020

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