In light of South Australia’s continued unrolling of their single-use plastic ban coming into effect in September, the need for simple and smart solutions that are compliant with unfolding legislation for businesses is ever strong. With the National Packaging Targets aiming to eliminate the use of single-use plastics across Australia by 2025, and with New Zealand working to completely eliminate single-use plastics by July 2025, it’s essential to be aware of the legally compliant alternatives available on the market.

Sustain Produce Bag Roll Compostable. Coming Soon.

Bioplastics and Compostable Bags
Bioplastics are polymers derived from various plant-based sources or renewable materials rather than fossil fuels such as petroleum. Permitted alternatives include AS-certified compostable bioplastic barrier bags that are clearly labelled and plastic bags used for pre-packaged fruit and vegetables, nuts, confectionary, dairy, products, meat, poultry or fish.

“Certified compostable packaging supports the national transition to a sustainable packaging system,” says Glenn Harris, Bunzl’s General Manager – Processor & Logistics. “As food packaging is one of the biggest contributors to landfill, finding compostable alternatives to single-use plastic products has the potential to create a major shift in reducing landfill.”

A Sustainable Solution
Sustain’s compostable produce bags are single-use, corn-based bioplastic that meet Australian Composting Standards AS 4736 and AS 5810. They’re suitable for home and industrial composting and will be available soon. “Certified composability is an assurance for your customers that your investment in more sustainable choices isn’t just for show,” says Harris.

If your state’s bans haven’t come into effect yet, there’s no need to wait. Getting ahead of pending legislation is the best way to ensure sustainability is at the core of your company’s strategies and operations. Speak to your Bunzl representative today.

Download Sustain’s Compostable Produce Bag Flyer