The word “passion” gets thrown around a lot, so much so that its meaning has become diluted. But if you’re searching for someone to restore that meaning, look no further than OzHarvest founder, Ronni Kahn AO. Passionate is her natural and authentic state. That enthusiasm is what provides the momentum to continue her fight against food waste, working towards a more sustainable future, as well as fueling her commitment to feed disadvantaged people across the country.
Sustainability has always been a part of the OzHarvest mission, but Kahn has recently focused efforts on raising awareness about the impact of food waste on our planet. “OzHarvest was born from a sustainability issue without me even knowing it was a thing,” explains Kahn, who founded the food rescue organisation in 2004 after seeing huge quantities of leftovers go to waste in her events company. “I had no idea about the environmental impact of food waste. I just saw a problem and decided to fix it.”
“be committed to sustainability in all sense of the word. Believe in it.”

Eighteen years later, the issue of climate change has become a priority for governments, businesses and individuals alike. And it’s no small one. The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water reports that Australia uses about 2600 gigalitres of water to grow food that is wasted, with the amount of land used to grow wasted food covering an area larger than Victoria.
“OzHarvest is committed to the national target of halving food waste by 2030, and we’ll do whatever we can to empower others to do the same,” Kahn says. “Businesses are looking for ways to address the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Supporting our work is a great first step but they should also review what they have within their power to change.”
So where to begin? Kahn concedes it’s a problem that can seem daunting at first. Instead of thinking it must be solved in one hit, she suggests focusing on what your business can do that could make a difference. Sometimes going for the low-hanging fruit can be a good place to start. It could be implementing a recycling program or rethinking the kind of equipment you purchase. But the most important aspect of any sustainability initiative, she says, is to avoid a box-ticking mindset. “It’s important to be committed to really embedding sustainability in all sense of the word. Believe in it. Get your team involved. Ask your customers what they are passionate about and then find a cause or purpose that aligns.”
According to Kahn, the best results come when the entire team is invested in a common goal and can see the impact they’re helping to make. And that belief must come from the top. “As a business leader, always walk the talk, roll your sleeves up and lead by example. You cannot fake genuine care and commitment, so being real and showing vulnerability builds trust. I believe authentic leadership enables me and my team to bring their whole selves to work.”
But doesn’t she ever get overwhelmed by the scale of the challenge? “Remaining passionate, resilient and committed comes naturally to me. There’s still so much work to do but I know that many solutions are in our reach. There is so much doom and gloom around the planet’s future. I prefer to tell the good news and say, ‘Come on everyone, we can do this!’”
Her team play a crucial role in maintaining that passion and resilience. “I’m surrounded by incredible, hard-working people who are all connected to our cause – from my 300-strong team to our 4000 volunteers. We all support each other, and on those tough days, there’s always someone to lean on.”
And her final advice for leaders looking to shift toward a more sustainable way? “When people ask me how I started I always say: ‘There’s no time like now. Just get on with it and do something.’ Imagine if every person and every business did just one thing to be more aware of our surroundings – the impact would be huge!”